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#tdm  #wirgewinnt  #EinfachMachen 


„Erinner dich“ … Remember the feeling 😉

Am 08.10.2010 veröffentlicht


A video report from our visit to the ‚Flying Circus 2010‘ in Fiss. A fellow club member and I headed from Norway to Austria to learn about thermal flight in the spectacular surroundings of the alps. What a place! We are spoilt with many great slopes back home, but we had very little experience in the art of thermal flight before attending FC-2010. The Thermik XL I brought along had only one 10min installation run on the slope back home before it was packed. The flight recorded is only the second flight of this bird. Exciting 🙂 We learned the hard way how the downdraft worked in the alps. Even though everything didnt go as planned, it was a fantastic experience, and I am sure we will be back for more. The scenery alone is worth the long journey 🙂